sobota, 3. marec 2012

The influence of grandmothers...

I was thinking about my grandparents. How much content they bring us, and how much we can learn from them. Just by being with them we learn the circle of life. Its cruelty and also the beauty and healthiness of life.
In my case the influence of grandmothers was almost epic. I am not overreacting. If I ever needed an inspiration or an idol I could always find it in my Grandmas. They were the most positive people I knew.. and that even before the positive "mode" was popular.
There was always laughing in the house of my mum's mum. When we were there on vacations ( that usually meant at least a month during the summer break), we were FREE! We got into all kinds of messes. We were playing hide and seek, we were racing bikes, we were the adventurers and were uncovering the mysteries of the chaotic attic, we were beating each other, stealing neighbours cherries (and also falling of of them...). But there was a rule: When the church bells would announce "Ave Marie" we had to come back from wherever we were. If the scars and beat up knees weren't too bad we could go out and play soccer, or play in the dark. Grandma's rule! She was never on our case and she makes the best mush ever! :)
But you have to grow up to truly understand her virtues and grandness of her influence. The women who has, even back then (in the 1940's), married under her own conditions. She decided when and with who. She stood up to her parents and left a huge farm that would provide richly for her and her family. She married a man she loved. She is a mother of 5, with a small farm. She grieved hard for a husband she loved and lost so young. But she got over it. A grandmother that always has a calming word and an open ear for her grandchildren. A grandma that is always glad to see you and takes nothing for granted. She knows what is important and has never lost the ability too see clearly and call it as it is. A role model...
I had a privilege to also know my fathers mother. A woman who firmly believed in family and hard work. She took care of family and build a family home alone after everything was destroyed in 2nd WW. Even when she was used and abandoned by her beloved ones she stayed strong. She believed that children are our future and that you have to work to survive. She also believed that the peace of mind shouldn't be gambled away with an easy money. She believed in God, tolerance and justice, but she was never naiive. A mother that held the family together with a soft hand. She never let the overbearing and raptorial men in her life, to poison her with greed and malice. A women that poved that you can keep pride and respect till the end. A role model...
I learned so much from them.. and I am still learning. Respect, trust, understanding. I never understood the stupidity of intergenerational hate. I was also always shocked by the violence toward grandparents. Taking care of our family members is a task we get at our birth! As they took care of us, we take care of them when they need us. 

Oh yes Grandmothers rock!

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