sreda, 14. marec 2012

Acceptance as a start of a better future?

Yesterday I read a post of a vegan, talking about people who eat meat, as the non-humans. It shocked me just how caught up in our own lives we are. In a way that is logical because, whose life are we going to life if not our own. But often we become so infatuated with it, that we can not see beyond our life. This quickly leads to a situation where we reject anything that is not excatly as we think it should be. It sounds tremendously over the top and excessive, but recently we have witnessed just that.

In recent years, there was a another phenomena. On one hand we do anything we can to be different, but at the same time we would do anything to belong. We want to belong and be part of something, anything, sometimes no price is too high. 
Recently, I noticed another phenomenon. How many people are trying to be "outside" compartments and groups, but just this incredible tendency to be "impossible to label", landed them in another "compartment". There is an on going fight against labeling and some are furiously trying to break stereotypes. All this fighting is rasing an interesting question. Not whether the stereotypes are where they should be or are they at least properly set, but for why are we so bothere by them? Why do we even care? Why not direct the energy we are waisting to fight labeling and stereotyps to shift and use it on ourselvs. Why not use it within? 
Incredible amounts of energy would be directed to where they should be in the first place. Once you understand yourself, who you are and what you are, then you don't care what others thing of you anyhow. All the labeling becomes just a game and is incredibly funny. 
Free yourself from it and so you can begin to perceive yourself as you are. ANd as a benefit you start to see others just the way they are! You stop condemning your fears and with that, you stop judging others and their choices in life. You are able to look at others and see them as they really are. 
What would happen if you would let yourself see yourself and others with all? With good, bad and the ugly? Are you able to see everyone as souls who were destined to be here and now? All God's children regardless of the shape and sharp words? 
When we are able to do that, we have no need to fear for the future!

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