četrtek, 5. junij 2014

Reality is made for living

This has been bubbling in me quite some time. I guess today it has reached the tipping point. 
It is all good and well to want equality and diversity but most of those who speak the loudest don't want it in their back yard. Yes, on some fictional level, but not in reality. The same way we think that we are all equals. Well let me break it down for you boys and girls, we are not. Love all shapes and sizes. Yeah right! The idea is great but reality? Not so much.
The fact is that it is really nice if you do not hate yourself and people that you are surrounded with. Try to live life outside of cyber space and screens. Things that happen on TV and in movies would drive you crazy if they'd happened in real life. And a lot of great things that happen to us go by us unnoticed, because we are too busy imagining things.
And all of the fascination with people on screen is just that, fascination and escape from reality. Reality is, if you would happen to meet one of those who you adore, they wouldn't even notice you or care one way or the other. No they don't care that you are smart and funny and have something big to say. No matter what they claim. Fact is you are not even in the same universe. 
Now get back to your real life and make your dreams come true. Put your obsessions on the shelve and do you best. You have so much to give to the World. Forget the ones who are plastered everywhere. Don't aim to impress anyone. Aim to live your life and be happy.